Rising PFI costs ‘putting hospitals at risk – BBC NEWS

September 22, 2011

BBC News – Rising PFI costs ‘putting hospitals at risk’.


Now who would have predicted this?


Yet another example of the PRIVATE SECTOR shafting us and politicians allowing it to happen because they are are feathering their own nests.


“Department of Health figures show yearly bills are forecast to rise by 75% to more than £2.5bn in the next 18 years, mainly because of inflation.

It means once the last scheme is paid off – in 2049 – more than £70bn will have been handed over.

That figure also includes, in some cases, fees for services such as building maintenance, cleaning, catering and portering.

But even taking those services into account the sum far exceeds the value of the building projects, which stands at a combined £11.4bn.”


Now, of course, the “new” government aren’t to blame – they say.


Aye, right, and I’m a billionaire!

Breathe in… « The Man In The Yellow Hat Lives Here

August 12, 2011

Breathe in… « The Man In The Yellow Hat Lives Here.


I agree.


Go see these guys when/where/as soon as you can!


BBC News – Danny Alexander denies public sector pension ‘assault’

June 18, 2011

BBC News – Danny Alexander denies public sector pension ‘assault’.

Seriously dangerous deranged thinking! This government is comprised of upper-class rich w*nkers who are only focused on their own nests.


’nuff said.


What do you think?